Islay’s Bowmore distillery and renowned Italian bottler, the late Silvano Samaroli, are both legends in the world of the whisky. The 1966 Bouquet is the glittering supernova that is created when these two key elements of whisky history collide, at just the perfect moment in time. Regarded by many as the one of, if not the best whisky ever bottled, it is not often one of these absolute gems in brought to market.
- Appreciated version.
The Bouquet is rated in joint first place on‘s Top 1000 whiskies of all time. The French collector, whisky author and owner of the famous Auld Alliance bar in Singapore recently opened a bottle of the Bouquet for customers in that very venue, with enthusiasts and connoisseurs flocking from all over Asia to sample a drop of this liquid gold. And if you still need convincing, the seasoned palate of Serge Valentin of awarded this Bowmore a staggering rating of 97 points. Valentin’s co-contributor, Angus MacRaild who has also tasted this, has also personally inspected this bottle: “The coming together of this cask of Bowmore and Silvano Samaroli is one of those rare, chance meetings that go on to write the greatest stories. Distilled in 1966, a golden era in production at Bowmore distillery, and the time when Armando Giovinetti was hard at work pushing single malt whisky in his native Italy.”
- Symbolic limited production.
Bowmore Bouquet Samaroli 1966 bottled in 1984 with ornate illustrative labels, hand-drawn by Samaroli himself. Italian printed labels have worn out over time. It is possibly the most iconic bottling in the history of single malts . People at whisky festivals wearing t-shirts with this label on, like fans at a concert. A cult classic, and the most important independent bottling for any collection.
Only 720 18-year-old Bowmore bottles were marketed in 1984, each bottle is packed at a concentration of 53.0% ABV, with a volume of 750ml.